Choosing the Right Plants for an In-ground Pool Landscape

  1. In-ground Swimming Pools
  2. Landscaping
  3. Choosing Plants for an In-ground Pool Landscape

Creating the perfect landscape for your in-ground pool can be a daunting task. With so many plants and flowers to choose from, it’s hard to know which ones will thrive in the environment. Fortunately, there are some tips and tricks you can use to make sure you choose the right plants for your in-ground pool landscape. In this article, we’ll go over some of the key considerations when selecting plants for an in-ground pool landscape, as well as some of the best varieties to choose from. When choosing plants for an in-ground pool landscape, it's important to consider several factors.

The climate and soil type of the area should be taken into account, as well as the amount of light and water requirements of the plants. To ensure that the plants can withstand the harsh conditions of a pool environment, it's essential to select plants that are salt and chlorine tolerant.

Ornamental grasses

, sedges, tropical foliage plants, and flowering perennials are all good choices for pool landscaping. For maximum aesthetic impact, it's important to space the plants correctly and arrange them properly.

Planting techniques such as proper soil preparation, mulching, and fertilizing should also be taken into account. To keep plants looking their best, they should be pruned regularly and pests should be controlled. Lastly, when landscaping with plants, safety measures should be taken into account. This includes avoiding poisonous or thorny species and keeping plants at least 10 feet away from the pool's edge.

Plants Well Suited for Pool Landscapes

When selecting plants to use in an in-ground pool landscape, it is important to consider which plants are best suited for the environment.

Choosing the right plant will ensure that it is able to thrive in the hot and humid conditions of a pool environment. Some of the plants that are well-suited for pool landscaping include ornamental grasses, sedges, tropical foliage plants, and flowering perennials.

Ornamental Grasses

Grasses make great additions to any pool landscape, as they provide texture and movement to the space. Grasses add visual interest and can also provide a contrast to other types of plants.

Ornamental grasses come in a variety of sizes, from small clumping grasses to tall varieties that provide a backdrop for other plants.


Sedges are an excellent choice for pool landscaping, as they are low-maintenance and can thrive in the moist, humid conditions of a pool environment. Sedges come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from small tufts of grass-like foliage to larger clumps. They can also be used as groundcover or as a border around the pool.

Tropical Foliage PlantsTropical foliage plants such as ferns, palms, and bromeliads are great for adding lush foliage and vibrant color to a pool landscape. These plants can tolerate the high temperatures and humidity of a pool environment, and can provide a tropical feel to the space.

Flowering Perennials

Flowering perennials are another great choice for a pool landscape, as they can provide long-lasting blooms throughout the season. Perennials such as daylilies, daisies, and hibiscus can add bursts of color and texture to the space.

These plants can also attract pollinators such as butterflies and hummingbirds.

Proper Planting Techniques and Maintenance Tips

When choosing plants for your in-ground pool landscape, it's important to consider the right spacing for them. Plants should be spaced appropriately to ensure they have room to grow and spread. Additionally, it's a good idea to arrange them in an aesthetically pleasing way. This can be done by creating a pattern or repeating certain colors throughout the landscape.

In addition to proper planting techniques, maintenance is also key to keeping your plants looking their best. This includes fertilizing, pruning, and pest control. Fertilizing your plants will help them to grow and stay healthy. Pruning should be done regularly to keep your plants looking neat and trim.

Lastly, pest control is essential for keeping unwanted critters away from your plants. Overall, proper planting techniques and maintenance tips are essential for creating an attractive in-ground pool landscape. By taking the time to plan and maintain your plants, you can ensure that your landscape looks its best.

Considerations When Choosing Plants

When it comes to selecting plants for your in-ground pool landscape, there are several important considerations to take into account. The climate, soil type, light availability, water requirements, salt and chlorine tolerance of the plants should all be taken into account when making your selection. Climate is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing plants for your in-ground pool landscape.

Different plants have different temperature requirements, so it is important to choose plants that can survive in your area’s climate. It is also important to note that some plants may not survive the extreme temperatures found in certain areas. The soil type of the area surrounding your pool should also be taken into account when selecting plants. Some plants require specific types of soil in order to thrive, while others may require a mix of different soil types. It is also important to consider the drainage of the area when selecting plants – some plants require well-drained soil in order to survive. The amount of light available for the plants should also be taken into consideration when making your selection.

Different plants need varying amounts of sunlight in order to thrive, so it is important to select a plant that is suited to the amount of light available in your pool landscape. The water requirements of the plants should also be taken into account. Different plants have different water requirements, so it is important to select a plant that is capable of surviving in the amount of water available in your pool landscape. Salt and chlorine tolerance should also be taken into account when selecting plants for your pool landscape. Some plants are more tolerant of salt and chlorine than others, so it is important to select a plant that can survive in the levels of salt and chlorine found in your pool. By taking these considerations into account when selecting plants for your pool landscape, you can ensure that the plants you choose are well-suited to the conditions present in your area and will look their best for years to come.

Pool Safety Measures

When landscaping around an in-ground pool, safety measures are essential for making sure your pool is a safe and pleasant environment. It is important to be mindful of the type of plants you choose, as some can be poisonous or have thorns.

Additionally, any plants close to the pool should be kept at least 10 feet away from the pool's edge for safety reasons. When selecting plants for the pool area, it is best to stick with non-toxic species that are not known to cause any skin irritation or allergic reactions. This will help keep swimmers safe and avoid any potential health issues. Some popular pool-safe plants include ferns, impatiens, geraniums, and lantanas. It is also important to consider the size of the plant when choosing what to add to your poolscape. Large plants can be a hazard if their branches hang over the pool's edge, as they can block swimmers' view of the pool and create a safety hazard.

Smaller plants are better suited for areas close to the water. Finally, it is important to pay attention to the maintenance requirements of any plants used in your poolscape. Some plants may need more frequent watering and pruning than others, so be sure to research each plant's needs before planting them around your pool. Choosing the right plants for your in-ground pool landscape can help create a beautiful oasis in your backyard. With careful consideration of climate, soil type, light availability, water requirements, salt and chlorine tolerance, you can select the perfect plants for your pool landscape. With proper planting techniques and maintenance tips such as fertilizing and pruning you can ensure that your plants stay healthy.

Finally, be sure to keep safety in mind when landscaping around your pool by avoiding poisonous or thorny species and keeping plants at least 10 feet away from the pool's edge. By taking the time to research and select plants that will thrive in your pool landscape, you can create a beautiful outdoor space that is both stylish and safe. With the right combination of plants, you can enjoy the beauty of nature while having peace of mind knowing that your family and guests are safe.