How to Install an In-Ground Pool Shell

  1. Pool Installation
  2. In-Ground Installation
  3. Installing the Shell of an In-Ground Pool

Installing an in-ground pool shell is a big job, but with the right knowledge and preparation it can be done in a few days. Whether you're planning to do the installation yourself or hire a professional, it's important to understand the steps involved in making sure your pool is ready for use. From digging the hole to laying down the foundation, this article will cover all the steps needed to install an in-ground pool shell and ensure that your pool is up and running in no time. The first step in installing your in-ground pool is excavation. This involves digging out the area where the pool will be located.

You'll need to make sure that the ground is level and that it meets all local building codes. Once you've excavated the site, you'll need to prepare the base. This involves laying down a layer of sand or gravel to provide a stable foundation for the pool. Next, you'll need to install the pool shell.

This involves setting up the walls of the pool and connecting them together. You'll also need to install any additional features, such as ladders or diving boards. After the shell is in place, you'll need to backfill the area with soil or other materials to provide support for the pool walls. Once the backfilling is done, you can start filling up the pool with water.

You'll need to check the pH levels and add any necessary chemicals to ensure that the water is safe for swimming. Finally, you'll need to install any additional features, such as filters or lights, and make sure that all connections are secure and waterproofed. When installing an in-ground pool shell, it's important to make sure that you follow all local codes and regulations. Additionally, you should consult a professional if you have any questions or concerns about your project.

With the right preparation and guidance, you can install an in-ground pool yourself and save money.

Filling up the Pool

Once the pool shell is installed, it's time to fill up your in-ground pool with water. This step requires careful execution to ensure that it's safe for swimming. First, attach a hose to the water source. Make sure to test the hose for any leaks or broken parts.

Then, lay the hose in the pool and turn on the water. It is important to keep the water pressure low so as not to damage the pool walls. It is also important to ensure that the water is clean and free of chemicals. You can check this with a kit from your local pool supply store. If there are any chemicals present, they must be treated with an appropriate chemical before use. Once the pool is full, you can begin to backfill the sides of the pool with soil or sand to provide additional support.

You should also check the water level regularly and adjust it as needed. Finally, you will need to add a chlorine treatment system to maintain the cleanliness of the pool's water. This system should be installed by a professional and tested regularly to ensure its effectiveness.

Preparing the Base

Preparing a solid base for your in-ground pool is essential for its longevity and stability. Before beginning the installation process, it's important to understand the different types of pool bases and the proper preparation methods for each. A good pool base should be level and firm, allowing even distribution of the weight of the pool shell.

This prevents sinking, cracking, and other structural damage. The most common materials used for in-ground pool bases include sand, gravel, and concrete.


Sand is a popular choice for pool bases because it is relatively easy to work with, and it’s relatively inexpensive. To prepare a sand base, start by leveling the ground and tamping it down with a compactor.

Once the ground is level, spread a layer of sand over the area that’s at least 8” thick. Use a compactor to tamp down the sand before laying down your liner.


Gravel is another popular choice for pool bases because it provides a firm and level foundation. To prepare a gravel base, start by leveling the ground and tamping it down with a compactor.

Once the ground is level, spread a layer of gravel over the area that’s at least 8” thick. Compact the gravel and then spread another layer of gravel over the area that’s at least 4” thick. Finally, use a compactor to tamp down the gravel before laying down your liner.


Concrete is a more permanent solution for pool bases as it provides superior strength and stability.

To prepare a concrete base, start by excavating the area until you have at least 8” of space between the ground and the top of your pool shell. Once you have enough space, pour concrete into the excavated area and use a trowel to level it out. Allow the concrete to set for at least 24 hours before laying down your liner. Preparing a solid base for your in-ground pool is an essential step for ensuring its stability and longevity.

With proper preparation, your in-ground pool will last you many years of enjoyment.

Additional Features

When installing an in-ground pool, there are a variety of features that you may want to consider adding. These features can add functionality and aesthetic appeal to your pool, and can also increase the value of your property. Some common features to consider include a diving board, slides, waterfalls, lights, and heating elements. A diving board can be a great addition to an in-ground pool. It will provide hours of fun for your family, friends, and neighbors.

Make sure to check your local regulations before installing a diving board. Some areas require a certain depth or distance from the edge of the pool. Pool slides are another popular feature that can be added to your in-ground pool. There are many different types available, from basic models to more elaborate designs. Slides can provide lots of fun for kids and adults alike. Waterfalls are a great way to add a calming element to your in-ground pool.

They come in a variety of sizes and styles, from natural looking designs to brightly colored fountains. Make sure to check local regulations before installing a waterfall. Lights can make your in-ground pool look beautiful at night. There are many different types of lights available, from energy efficient LED lights to colored fiber optics. Lights can also provide an extra layer of safety for people using the pool after dark. Finally, heating elements can be added to an in-ground pool to keep the water at a comfortable temperature.

This is especially important if you live in a cooler climate and want to extend the swimming season. There are several types of heating systems available, including solar heating systems and gas heaters.

Excavating the Site

Excavating the site for an in-ground pool is a key step in the overall pool installation process. It involves digging a hole large enough to accommodate the pool and the surrounding deck area. The excavation must be done carefully and accurately, as any mistakes made here could have costly repercussions later on.

In this article, we'll outline the steps involved in excavating the site for an in-ground pool. The first step is to determine the size of the excavation site. This should be done by measuring the size of the pool shell, as well as any additional decking or landscaping that will need to be installed. Once you have determined the size, mark off the area with stakes and string. Next, you will need to rent or purchase the necessary excavation equipment. Depending on the size of your project, this might include a backhoe, skid steer loader, or excavator.

If you're working with a smaller area, you can rent a mini excavator or even use a shovel and wheelbarrow. Once you have the equipment in place, it's time to begin digging. Start by removing any large rocks or other debris from the area. If you are working with clay or hard soil, you may need to break it up with a jackhammer before you can begin digging. As you excavate, use shovels to remove dirt from the sides and bottom of the pool area.

Be sure to leave enough room around the perimeter for backfilling later on. Finally, check your work with a level before backfilling. The sides of the excavation should slope away from the pool at a minimum of one inch for every foot of depth. Any irregularities should be corrected before proceeding to the next step.


After completing the installation of the in-ground pool shell, backfilling is the final step to ensure the pool is stable and secure. Backfilling involves filling the area around the pool with dirt, sand, or gravel, and then compacting it to form a solid base that can provide extra stability and support for the pool.

It's important to carefully select the materials you use for backfilling, as certain types of soil may not be suitable for use around a pool. When selecting a backfill material, make sure you understand the characteristics of each material and how they will impact the stability and support of the in-ground pool. For example, sand is often used for backfill because it has excellent drainage properties and can provide extra stability. Gravel is another popular choice as it can provide a solid base and help with water drainage. However, gravel may also shift over time, so it's important to compact it properly.

When filling the area around the pool with backfill material, make sure to add it in small batches and compact it after each layer is added. This will help ensure that the material is packed tightly and that any potential voids are filled. It's also important to check for any signs of movement or settling when backfilling is complete; if you notice any signs of movement or settling, you may need to add additional layers of backfill material and compact again. Backfilling with the right materials can provide extra stability and support for your in-ground pool, ensuring it will last for years to come. With careful selection of materials and proper compaction techniques, you can create a solid base that will keep your pool safe and secure.

Installing the Pool Shell

Installing the pool shell is the most important step in installing an in-ground pool.

It is important to ensure that the pool walls are properly installed to guarantee the safety and structural integrity of your pool. In this section, we will discuss the proper steps for installing your pool shell and how to ensure that the job is done right.

1.Choosing a Pool Shell

The first step in installing a pool shell is choosing the right one for your needs. Consider the size and shape of your pool, as well as what type of material you want to use for your walls.

The most common materials used for in-ground pools are steel, fiberglass, and vinyl.

2.Preparing the Excavation Site

Before you begin installing the pool shell, it is important to prepare the excavation site. This includes removing any large rocks, roots, or debris from the area and leveling off the ground. Make sure to also check for any underground utility lines before beginning the installation.

3.Installing the Pool ShellOnce the excavation site has been prepared, you can begin to install the pool shell. Begin by placing each wall section into the excavation area and making sure they fit together properly. Secure each wall section with screws or bolts to ensure that they are firmly in place. If you are using a steel or fiberglass wall, you may need to use a sealant or adhesive to make sure that everything is properly sealed.

4.Backfilling and Finishing TouchesOnce the walls are securely in place, you can begin backfilling the area around the pool shell with sand and gravel. Make sure to check for any gaps between the wall sections and fill them with additional material as needed. Once you have finished backfilling, your pool is ready for use. Installing an in-ground pool is a big job, but with careful planning and preparation, it can be done without professional help. Be sure to follow all safety procedures and consult a professional if you have any questions or concerns about your project.

From excavating the site to backfilling the pool, this comprehensive guide has covered all the steps necessary for installing an in-ground pool correctly. Investing time and effort into preparing the ground and following the instructions will help ensure that your pool is installed properly and will last for years to come. With the right guidance, you can save money and enjoy your in-ground pool for years to come.