Designing an Above Ground Pool Landscape

  1. Pool Landscaping
  2. Above Ground Landscaping
  3. Designing an Above Ground Pool Landscape

Adding an above ground pool to your landscape is a great way to make the most of your outdoor space. An above ground pool can provide hours of fun and relaxation for the whole family. But what about the pool landscape? What should you consider when designing the perfect pool landscape for your home? In this article, we'll explore the best ways to design an above ground pool landscape that will be both aesthetically pleasing and practical for your outdoor space. From choosing the right plants and landscaping materials to adding features such as decks and patios, you'll learn how to create a beautiful and functional pool landscape that will provide years of enjoyment for everyone who visits your home.

Choose the Right Pool Size:

It’s important to choose a pool size that fits your backyard, budget, and needs.

Consider the amount of space you have available, as well as how many people will be using the pool. If you’re installing a large above ground pool, you’ll also need to plan for a larger landscaping design.

Consider the Location:

When planning your above ground pool landscape, consider the location of your pool. It should be in a spot that’s easily accessible and that has plenty of shade. You should also check to make sure it’s away from any large trees or utility poles that could damage the pool or cause safety issues.

Add Plantings:

To give your above ground pool landscape a finished look, consider adding some plantings around the perimeter.

Shrubs, trees, and other plants can help frame the pool and provide a bit of privacy. You may even want to add some aquatic plants in shallow areas of the pool to give it a more natural look.

Install Lighting:

Installing lighting around your above ground pool can help create a beautiful atmosphere and can help make the area safer at night. Consider installing low-voltage lights around the perimeter of the pool, as well as lights on nearby steps or walkways.

Create Seating Areas:

To create an inviting atmosphere in your above ground pool landscape, add some seating areas around the perimeter of the pool. You can use outdoor furniture, such as lounge chairs or benches, or you could install a patio with tables and chairs for entertaining.

Add Safety Features:

It’s important to make sure your above ground pool is safe for everyone who uses it.

Consider installing safety features such as non-slip mats, handrails, and fencing around the perimeter of the pool.

Create Seating Areas

To create an inviting atmosphere in your above ground pool landscape, add some seating areas around the perimeter of the pool. This can be done with patio furniture, lounge chairs, or even a few cushioned benches. When choosing furniture, be sure to select pieces that are designed to withstand the elements and are lightweight enough to move around if necessary. You can also incorporate low walls or planters into your seating areas for a more finished look. These can be used to divide the space and define different areas of the landscape.

For a comfortable and inviting atmosphere, add a few potted plants or flowers near the seating area. Be sure to consider how much sun your seating area will receive. If you’re in an area with intense summer heat, you may want to choose a space that is partially shaded. Additionally, make sure your seating area is safe and secure by making sure there are no objects that could cause someone to trip.

Install Lighting

Installing lighting around your above ground pool can help create a beautiful atmosphere and can make the area safer at night. Lighting can also be used to highlight certain features, like walkways, decks, or trees.

Make sure to use lights that are rated for outdoor use and are waterproof. LED lights are the most energy efficient and long-lasting option for your pool. When installing lighting, think about where you want it to be placed. Do you want to put it around the perimeter of the pool, or do you want to place it near any pathways or decks? If you’re looking to create a cozy atmosphere, you can use string lights or fairy lights to wrap around trees or railings. You can also add motion-activated spotlights or floodlights for added security. Whatever type of lighting you choose, make sure to install it safely.

Consult a professional electrician if you’re unsure about any wiring or installation processes.

Tips for Choosing the Right Pool Size

When designing an above ground pool landscape, it is essential to select a size that meets your backyard, budget, and requirements. It is important to remember that a pool’s size will affect its overall cost and the type of landscaping you can do around it.

Smaller pools

are cheaper to install and require less maintenance, but they may not be big enough to accommodate your family and friends. On the other hand, larger pools are more expensive but can provide more space for swimming and socializing.

When selecting a pool size, consider the size of your backyard and how much space you need for seating, lounging, and entertaining. In addition, think about the type of landscaping features you want to include, such as decks, patios, and walkways.

Above ground pools

come in a variety of sizes and shapes, so take your time to find the one that works best for your outdoor space. Once you have selected a size, you can start planning the layout of your pool landscape.

Consider Your Location

When planning your above ground pool landscape, it is important to consider the location of your pool.

Where you choose to place your pool can have a significant impact on the design and aesthetic of your backyard. It’s important to take into account the amount of space you have available, the climate and weather conditions in your area, and the overall style of your home. If you have a lot of space available, you may want to choose a spot with plenty of shade or sun, depending on the climate. This will help ensure that your pool is comfortable to use in any season.

You should also consider the size and shape of your pool and determine how much space you need for a comfortable seating area. It’s also important to think about how the pool will be used. If you plan to use it for relaxation and leisure, then you should choose a spot that is close to your home. If you plan to use it for swimming and entertaining, then you should select a spot that is further away from your home to avoid noise from outside sources. Finally, make sure that your pool is in an area that will be safe and secure.

You don’t want it to be too close to busy roads or walkways, as this could be dangerous. Consider fencing or other barriers to keep your pool secure.

Add Plantings Around the Perimeter

To give your above ground pool landscape a finished look, consider adding some plantings around the perimeter. Plantings can add color and texture to your pool area, and help to frame the pool and create a sense of enclosure. When selecting plants for your pool area, be sure to consider their size, shape, and color.

Choose plants that will stay within the boundaries of your pool, and won’t become too large or too unruly. Some good choices for above ground pools are dwarf shrubs, small trees, ornamental grasses, and evergreens. These plants can provide year-round color and texture, and help to keep the area looking neat and tidy. When planting around your pool, it’s important to keep safety in mind. Avoid planting trees with heavy branches near the pool, as these can pose a risk of falling into the pool.

Also, keep in mind that some plants may have sharp thorns or spines that can cause injury if someone bumps into them. Be sure to select plants that are safe for your pool area.

Add Safety Features

When designing an above ground pool landscape, safety should be your top priority. It’s important to make sure your pool is safe for everyone who uses it. Consider adding a fence around the pool and non-slip decking to prevent slips and falls.

You can also add depth markers and a safety ladder to make sure everyone is aware of the water’s depth. Make sure the pool area has plenty of shade and seating to keep swimmers safe from the sun. Additionally, you can consider adding a pool alarm to notify you of any unexpected activity in the pool. Creating an inviting and safe landscape around your above ground pool requires careful planning and consideration of all aspects of design. With these tips for designing an above ground pool landscape, you can make sure that your backyard oasis looks great and is safe for everyone to enjoy.